What assignment for next time?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wednesday Club Meeting

It looks like we are on for June 2nd. Location...

2432 E. 8th St
Los Angeles, CA 90021

We will go with the night that most people can attend so let me know. It would be nice this time around to do a little socalizing for a couple of reasons.
1. to actaully get to know each other.
2. To map out a little plan about the future.

Ideas for agenda

* Group Show - We can toss around ideas for Theme, Timeline etc...

* Monthy Dues - Don't panic. These dues would be more of a forced savings account. The idea being it would be nice for all of us to becommitted torwards taking a group photo trip somewhere. Setting the money aside as we go would help remove finacial issues. $50.00 bucks a month.
* There is great interest in purchasing a large format printer. If we all pooled $50.00 dollars towards that it would be possible to get a printer of high quality.
* We need to establish an office format for showing our work so that the evening does not drain everyone of their lifeblood.
* And so much more...
* The clallenge was still-life. Just some inanimate object. Use your imagination. Bring at least one photos to satisfy this challenge.
* In order to keep the evening short we will have an official timer this time. Everyone will have a very strict 10 minutes.

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